Supervisee Reviews


"As an intern under Dr. Cho's supervisory wing, I have gleaned much from her multidisciplinary knowledge and keen insights into counseling. She has not only facilitated my growth in providing better counseling services but has also fanned the flames of my passion to positively impact the communities I serve. Working with her, I feel free to make mistakes while having the support I need to navigate challenging circumstances. I have come to see her more as a mentor than a supervisor, whose enthusiasm for counseling extends beyond her private practice.” - James K.

“I am writing to express my utmost respect and admiration for your exceptional leadership and guidance as my supervisor. Throughout our time working together, I have been consistently impressed by your innovative and creative approach to problem-solving, your ability to think outside the box, and your unique holistic perspective.

Your competence in addressing a variety of complex issues is truly remarkable, and I have learned so much from observing your expertise in action. Your willingness to tackle challenges head-on and explore unconventional solutions has inspired me to push the boundaries of my own thinking and approach problems with creativity and flexibility.

One of your greatest strengths as a supervisor is your exceptional interpersonal communication skills, particularly in your interactions with parents. I have witnessed firsthand your ability to model an effective dialogue with parents, fostering understanding, trust, and collaboration. Your approach to teaching others how to navigate difficult conversations with parents has been invaluable to me, and I am grateful for the guidance and mentorship you have provided in this area.

In summary, Dr. Cho, your leadership as my supervisor has had a profound impact on my professional growth and development. Your creative, free-thinking, and holistic approach, combined with your competence in addressing a variety of problems and your skilled interpersonal communication, make you an exemplary supervisor and mentor. It has been an honor and a privilege to learn from you, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked under your guidance.”
Iryna K.